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Extended Day Care

Preston Candover CE Primary School provides wraparound care before and after school in the form of Early Birds and The Nest. 

Early Birds

Our morning 'Early Birds' club runs from 8:00am to the start of registration on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. It is run by 2 of our Classroom Assistants and healthy snacks are provided.

The Nest

Our After School club 'The Nest' runs from 3:10pm to 5:00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Children have the option of attending for the first half, second half, or for the full session. 

How To Book

All children have been added to the Early Birds booking on Scopay, available on the Scopay app. There is a limit of 5 pupils per session and booking closes 4 days before the session.

If you wish to sign your child up for The Nest, please complete the online booking form via the link below. Once you have completed it, we will process your application and email you a notification of your child's place. Your Scopay account will then be set up for booking and making payments. Please see the guidance below for how this works. 

The Nest booking form

We request that you book in advance half-termly or at least 4 days prior to your desired day (ie bookings will need to be made by a Thursday for a session on the coming Monday) as this reduces the administration workload, helps us track which children will be attending, and enables us to help with any booking issues that you may need assistance with. However, if you need to make a late booking after this time, please call the school office on 01256 389278 to arrange this (an added fee will be included for bookings later than 24 hours notice).


Safeguarding is our top priority. Before signing your child up for Early Birds or The Nest it is important that you read through our guidelines to understand how we have developed these clubs, important information including payments, and the kind of behaviour we expect from the pupils attending. By signing up for our clubs you agree to these guidelines. Please see the guidelines attached below.