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Preston Candover (Church of England) Primary School is governed by a board of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers with members from several groups including elected representatives of the parents and staff of the school, appointees of the Diocese of Winchester and members of the local community.

The purpose of the board is to help the school deliver the best possible education by fulfilling the following objectives;

  • Setting the school’s vision, strategic aims and policies
  • Monitoring and evaluating performance
  • Ensuring the school is accountable to all its stakeholders

Governing Body

The list below details the current governors of Preston Candover CE Primary School.  We are active in many development areas within the school whilst continuing our role in ‘overseeing’ the school’s progress, monitoring performance and being a ‘critical friend’ to the school as a whole.  This involves Full Governing Body Meetings (6 per year) as well as formal learning visits, attendance at school functions and spending time with the children as volunteer helpers which might include listening to readers, working with small groups on mathematics or attendance at school trips.

The Governors are proud of the school and continually strive to maintain the overall excellence as well as continually considering ways in which the school can be made even better through the annual cycle of self evaluation and school improvement.

The Governing Body has a vision that the children should be safe, cheerful, confident and respectful of others.  We believe that each child should move on to his or her next school with a solid foundation of skills, an ability and eagerness to learn, with a sense of wonder at the world and a love and consideration for other people.

The Governors welcome any comments from parents, carers or members of the wider community and may be contacted via the School office.

Constitution (July 2015)

In July 2015, the Governing Body agreed on a new constitution which, in their opinion, was no bigger than necessary, but large enough to secure the range of skills they need to work effectively.  The governing body is constituted as follows:

1 Local Authority Governor, 1 Staff Governor, 2 Parent Governors, 2 Foundation Governors, the Headteacher, and as many Co-opted Governors as the Governing Body considers necessary.  Each governor, apart from ex-officio, is appointed for a period of four years.

List of Current Governors




Mrs Penny Parkinson

Chair of Governors

Personal Development 

Link Governor - RE & Collective Worship / PSHE/RSE / Art / H & S Accessibility / Mentor


Mrs Simrit Otway

Head Teacher

Head Teacher

Mr Michael Larkins

Health & Safety


Mrs Michelle Cooke



Mrs Dani Harrison Link Governor - EYS / English & Drama / Modern Foreign Lang. Parent Governor

Mrs Lisa Gatehouse

Development & training / PCSA Liaison / Link Governor - History & PE

Parent Governor

Mr Opeoluwa Eluwole

Link Governor - Science / Computing / School Website


Updated November 2024