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At Preston Candover we are dedicated to offering our children a creative curriculum that provides rich and relevant learning experiences to inspire them and prepare them for life.

The intent of our curriculum is to enable our pupils:

  • To develop articulate, resilient and empowered citizens who make a difference to others
  • To provide a coherent and ambitious curriculum that leads to a greater depth of understanding for all
  • To inspire pupils with purposeful and interconnected learning experiences

Our curriculum is the entire planned learning experience. It encompasses a breadth of planned activities that we organise to facilitate learning and growth along with the development of our pupils intellectually, morally, socially and culturally. It includes the National Curriculum but also a wide range of enrichment and extra-curricular experiences planned in order to benefit the learning and development of the whole child. Our school ethos and core values, as well as the values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and respect for those with different faiths is fundamental in our provision.

For a guide to our curriculum please see our curriculum statement and subject information in the right hand menu.

Long Term Curriculum 2023-2024

Long Term Curriculum 2024-2025

Year R/1 Sparrows - Topic 2 Cycle
Year 2/3 Woodpeckers - Topic 2 Cycle
Year 4 Robins - Topic 2 Cycle
Year 5/6 Kingfishers - Topic 2 Cycle